6 Best SEO Lead Generation Practices for 2021

6 Best SEO Lead Generation Practices for 2021

Ranking on Google SERP and attracting prospective leads to your website used to be a simpler affair back in the day. However, as the digital marketplace has become exceedingly competitive, so has lead generation. SEO techniques are constantly evolving and becoming more refined and sophisticated, and you need to keep up with them to meet your lead generation challenges and stay ahead.

In this article, we’ve summed up the most effective SEO lead generation practices that will surely help you get the results you seek. Let’s begin!

1. Conduct Keyword Research:

The main element for SEO is to link your content to relevant keywords. Keyword research is extremely important for not only understanding the interest of your target audience but also for navigating your SEO strategy.

You can do this by evaluating your buyer persona’s pain points and your firm’s value proposition. Pain points refer to specific issues faced by prospective clients that vary depending on where they are in their buyer’s journey. Different issues mean different search terms so be mindful of that when conducting keyword research.

Ask yourself questions like: What key terms do you want to be found for? What terms are used by your buyer personas when searching for a problem? Which terms describe your best deals? After you identified the main keywords for your business, you should create a list of relevant terms and queries to form the basis of your SEO content strategy.

Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz, Google Search Console, Answer the Public, SEMRush Magic Keyword finder, UberSuggest can help you with keyword research. Moreover, using the right terms can generate high-quality, targeted traffic, thus increasing your lead generation.

2. Create Quality Content:

Long gone are the days when generating content for search engines was enough for SEO lead generation. In the past, firms used to post a blog with keyword stuffing just to gain the attention of search engines. Nowadays, this strategy doesn’t work since Google crawls your content and penalizes spammy content.

Thus, it is crucial to design your content to provide value to your audience. If you aim to use SEO for lead generation, then creating quality content must be a priority. You may incorporate blog posts, infographics, snackable content, videos, and much more in your content strategy. Strategically planning your content strategy will help you stay organized, attract customers and lastly boost your conversion rates.

3. Optimize Local Listings:

Local listings can be your best bet as far as lead generation is concerned. In 2021, almost 46% of Google searches were local. Since customers are always on the lookout for businesses “near them” therefore optimizing your firm’s local listing can upgrade your search visibility.
Use Google My Business to enhance your local SEO for lead generation. Google allows you to include enough information about your business including PAN data; the firm’s address, name, contact details.
This will not only improve your firm’s Google rank but will also make your company discoverable on Google Maps. Optimizing your company’s profile will allow clients to share good reviews with your business thus increasing your business’s reliability.

4. Create Detailed Buyer Personas:

Buyer persona refers to the detailed description of someone who constitutes your target audience. It may include demographic details, interest, and behavioral trials of the best potential customers. Targeting the buyer’s persona is essential since a one-size-fits-all strategy does not generate quality leads.
For instance, a bakery that provides vegan, gluten-free, and healthy food items should only target people that value vegan food products. Targeting everyone will not be beneficial for that business.
Start by researching your client’s psychographic information like attitudes, values, preferences, and so on. Next, design your website and content around this data. A good SEO practice for lead generation is to dedicate certain parts of your website to specific customers. This can be done by hyper-personalization. Studies show that 80% of customers prefer to shop from a brand that offers a personalized experience.
Do you want to optimize your website and your content? Consider AdRush Digital for all your SEO solutions. AdRush Digital takes SEO management off your hands so you can focus on what really matters: handling more traffic. Contact us today for a Free Audit.

5. Mobile SEO:

Research has shown that almost 58% of Google searches are done on mobile phones. This means that creating a mobile-friendly website is highly crucial for the success of your business. We all know that nothing is more annoying than reading from a website that is not optimized for your mobile device!
However, you can avoid this by creating a responsive web design. This ensures that your web pages are optimized for mobile phones so it is easy for your users and search engines like Google to crawl and navigate your web pages. Moreover, focus on reducing your bounce rate by optimizing your web page speed. Bounce rate is essential in terms of turning site visitors into paying customers. If your users are frustrated by your webpage speed then chances are they may leave your website.
To maximize SEO for lead generation, you should reduce the number of pop-up ads on your website, optimize your site speed, adopt a simple website design, make the navigation bar easily accessible, test your website on various devices and keep space touch elements far.

6. Page Optimization:

Just like mobile optimization, page optimization is also important to ensure that your website can be easily found. It includes adding relevant keywords in your Title, URLs, Meta descriptions, Meta titles, and Content body.
Further, make sure that there is a healthy combination of short-tail and long-tail keywords. Add relevant CTAs and use engaging meta descriptions.


Creating an SEO lead generation campaign will ensure that your marketing efforts help your business succeed in an oversaturated market. In addition, it will also aid you in full-proofing your web content to gain new leads by leveraging a great user experience and strong online presence.